I want to do the best and right thing spiritually, but I feel lost. Is going into the ultimate sea of emptiness and consciousness worth giving up all that you love and want?

How to do the best and right thing spiritually? There are many ways to answer this question. All of them very complex when considered intellectually. Fortunately, being Spiritual isn’t complex. You are already Spiritual … you just haven’t perceived or realized it yet. Your Spirituality is closer than your next breath. Its important to remember […]

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Do affirmations and visualizations work? If yes, what’s the best way to use it?

Affirmations and visualizations definitely work. What most overlook when doing affirmations and visualizations is the role of their Inner Self or Soul, which is not exactly the subconscious mind. Furthermore, affirmations and visualizations are often only about material things. They are typically about inanimate objects and not about the essence/emotional aspects of what is desired. […]

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What’s the difference between feelings and emotions?

Believe it or not, but feelings and emotions are different from each other. Emotions originate from a deeper level within us. Feelings originate from some type of sensory input that the brain can interpret and thus interpret as a feeling. If I may say it this way: feelings are felt while emotions result. Emotions are […]

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What does it feel like to reach a higher state of consciousness?

When you reach a higher state of consciousness it feels like Clarity, Satisfaction, Completeness, Oneness. It really isn’t related to anything physical … it is an Awareness. This Awareness can be fleeting, but that is ok because we can revisit it. Also, once achieved this awareness adds an extra level of confidence/Faith in a Bigger […]

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Do affirmations work?

Affirmations definitely work when done correctly. For most, affirmations are about repeating a set of words that force a desired result by continuous repetition. Affirmations are about aligning your Inner disposition and beliefs towards a desired result. Although affirmations are repeated the process is more about realizing and practicing a different point of view relative […]

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Why do people still believe there is a spiritual aspect to life?

People still believe there is a spiritual aspect to life. This is because of the awareness of an unexplainable animating factor and balance that is seen across all of nature and the known Universe. When not taken for granted, we realize that our very existence and its orderly progression must originate and rely upon some […]

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How do I work on spiritual emotional balance?

Your emotions are a reflection of how much your current disposition (activities/thoughts/actions) are aligned with your Inner Self. If you are generally happy/satisfied/contented then you are technically balanced. We maintain this balance by aligning with the Truth of our Inner Being (Essential Self, Soul). This is accomplished by heightening the ability to recognize when you […]

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How many affirmations are enough? How many affirmations are too many?

I have found that 1 or 2 affirmations work best for me. Done usually as part of my early morning routine and before sleeping when going to bed at night. If you affirmations are too specific and on too many topics and repeated too often it is easy to see how your head would hurt. […]

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What are effective affirmations?

Effective affirmations are statements of Truth that support where you are now and where you want to be relative to a particular desire. A properly constructed and performed affirmation will align you mind for solutions by reducing its negative influence relative to what you desire. Affirmations, in and of themselves, hold no power… The power( […]

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