How to do the best and right thing spiritually? There are many ways to answer this question. All of them very complex when considered intellectually. Fortunately, being Spiritual isn’t complex. You are already Spiritual … you just haven’t perceived or realized it yet.
Your Spirituality is closer than your next breath. Its important to remember that Spirituality can not be manipulated by our intellect, what we do or anything formed.
The best and right thing to do Spiritually is to spend time to connect with the Spirituality that Is you. It is a simple process that requires a little time and inner reflection.
Spend 15–30 minutes daily with yourself in meditation (focus on your breath, a light or anything that doesn’t require thought). The idea here is to just stop or slow down your active thoughts. Repeat this every day for a week or so and you will heighten your awareness of Self. This is tuning into your Spiritual Self.
Once this heightened awareness is achieved you are on the road to living your best life because you are more aware of how you should Naturally Feel (Spiritual). This feeling/awareness will become more prevalent throughout your daily routine.
You stay on the Spiritual Path by allowing this feeling in as the backdrop of your daily activities. Follow your happiness. Notice anything that tends to diminish this feeling( awareness). Anything that diminished this awareness is not the best thing for you to do.
The key is to allow those things/situations that do not resonate with this awareness to to just dissipate. Unless you are in immediate danger, there is no need to run or do anything outright per se. Just realize that whatever it is isn’t in your best interests and casually avoid being in such situations as much as possible going forward.
Spirituality is an Inner Awareness of the Truth of your Being that allows you to live Spiritually with clarity and ease. This awareness is the foundation of fulfillment and satisfaction. This awareness allows you to live in the midst of everything ( confusion) that is going on around you without being diminished. You are Saved from that which is not you.
As you progress (progress- no better word to express this) along your Spiritual Path you will find that all aspects of your life will begin to reflect your new and Spiritually improved perspective of yourself, and your life expression.
Achieve this perspective and enjoy your life. The Universe takes care of the details via the Creative Process ( Law of Attraction).